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which business is open on MAy 8 to May 16 Deputy commisionar peshawar

                                The Deputy commisionar Peshawar Public notice Details about 08may to 16may lockdown In the provincial capital, Peshawar, all shops and stores will remain closed from May 8 to 16 on the orders of the provincial government. Only shops will be allowed in Mand Ridge. Managers' business payments24 / 7 will remain open. Oven, Dodo and Vati Shops Food (One Oy), E-Commerce (Home Delivery), Anti-Service (Electric Needle Gas, Internet, Cellular Network, Telecom, Call Centers) Media Shay Stores, Medical Clinic, Vestation Centers, Filling Sessions, media. The following business one in the evening 06 Will be closed at: 00. Grocery | Grocery Store Bakery, Vegetable Lawyer Shops, Murree Shops, Meat Shops. چاندرات۔ The bazaar will remain closed on the night of the Henna Jewelery and Clothing Shop in Peshawar. Comfort. During May 08-16 and especially during Eid-ul-Fitr, all tourist places were closed. All Pulk Park, hotels, restaurants, shopping malls and transport w

Advantages of social media


Dear staff members,My fallows and audience Asalam u alikom! today the topic of discussion is advantages of social media                                                                                        Mis/MR President no doubt modern era is the era of social media.the social media mainly accupies twitter, facebook ,yahoo etc the world greates population has turn towords social media. it has deeply affected different sects of people .
MR President !now a days twitter and facebook are considered to be the greatest of social media.take an example of facebook it has played a key-role whilen gatering different people on one table.the people from all walks of life chat, they discuss their issues of mutral interest they share saying ,question pictures,jokes etc .(it is the greatest source of entertainment )(the songs shared by different people are watched and listened ) people can easily send their selfies in second.different vedios are uploaded in order to have on access to the minute things happened round the global
MR President;
            Let me discuss the social media an political Horizon.Social media is transparent media one the one hand if there is a great flux and reflux or rigging in polling station .on the other hand social media provide an access to like any political leader by simple clicking “yes” or “NO”.there is no one to stop him from clicking to his choice leader.secondly in out bursting emotions can be seen in the form of their sentiments shared on different link
MR persident.
            Social media is informative media it is great chain of different events happened in the sphere of edecutional, social, political or religious backgrounds. These background keep alert and refine our mind. These can be scientific theories, it can be research work it can be the exchange of views, it can be the art of learning. In the social media of life we brim an dorm our lives. we see things resulting bad become a lesson for us                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


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